Rock Weed Control | Grand Junction, Fruita & Palisade, CO | Mesa Turf Masters

Rock Weed Control in the Greater Grand Junction Area

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Rock Weed Control Service in Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, CO & Surrounding Cities

Our Non-Turf Program includes seven applications throughout the year.

Weeds In Rocks

Weeds can drag down your property's curb appeal and make it look unkempt, but we're here to ensure that doesn't happen! At Mesa Turf Masters, we offer a Non-Turf Program to property owners in Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, and other nearby areas in Colorado.

This program includes seven applications throughout the year, utilizing both pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments to keep weeds from growing between the rocks on your property. We also spray sidewalk and driveway cracks to keep them from sprouting there. What's more, these treatments are pet-safe once they're dry, so you don't have to wait long before letting your furry friends back outside! If you want to say goodbye to weeds for good, call us today at (970) 434-5440 to sign up for our rock weed control service!

Our Rock Weed Control Schedule

At Mesa Turf Masters, we want to keep weeds from growing between the rocks on your property throughout the year. So, we've structured our Non-Turf Program schedule to go from February 15th until November 30th, which includes seven applications with 5-week intervals between each to stay on top of pesky weeds. Here is our rock weed control schedule:

  • Round 1: Our first visit includes a blanket pre-emergent weed control application to get ahead of and prevent weeds from sprouting above the surface. We also apply a post-emergent treatment to eliminate existing growth in your rock areas.
  • Rounds 2 - 7: Throughout our other visits to your property, we'll either blanket your entire rock area or spot-spray weeds as needed with our post-emergent weed control treatments.

Our weed control treatments are effective against common weeds, including dandelions, clover, crabgrass, foxtail, chickweed, and more.

We'll Apply Our Rock Weed Control Treatments to Any Sidewalk & Driveway Cracks

Sidewalk Weed Removal

When you sign up for our rock weed control service, we don't just treat your rock areas. On the contrary, we make sure we do a thorough job of keeping your property weed-free by applying our weed control treatments to any sidewalk and driveway cracks, too. That way, these pesky, opportunistic plants can't grow there and hinder your property's curb appeal.

Our rock weed control treatments are pet-safe once dry.

Safety is important to us, especially when it comes to your furry friends. Because of this, we take extra precautions, notifying you the day we're scheduled to apply our rock weed control treatments. Then, our team will advise you to wait until our treatments are completely dry before letting your pets outside again. While it depends on the weather and temperatures that day, they can dry as quickly as 20 minutes. If you're unsure of how long you should wait, don't worry - our professionals can let you know! Then, once dry, our treatments are pet-safe, and your furry friends can resume their usual outdoor activities without worry for their safety!

Call us today to sign up for our rock weed control service!

Do you want to keep weeds from growing between the rocks on your property? If so, look no further than our rock weed control service! We offer this service to property owners in Grand Junction, CO, and throughout the surrounding areas, including Fruita and Palisade. Our team has been keeping properties weed-free since 1992, so you can trust that you're in good hands with us. Call us today at (970) 434-5440 to sign up and say goodbye to unsightly, pesky weeds for good!

We offer a rock weed control service to keep pesky weeds from growing between the rocks on your property! This Non-Turf Program includes seven rounds throughout the year, where we'll spray pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments to prevent and eliminate weeds from sprouting in your rock areas.