Lawn & Landscape Maintenance | Grand Junction, Fruita & Palisade, CO | Mesa Turf Masters
Rock mulch along a walkway and building wall near Grand Junction, CO.

Lawn & Landscape Maintenance in the Greater Grand Junction Area

Our lawn and landscape maintenance services will keep your property in top condition all year long.

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Lawn & Landscape Maintenance in Grand Junction, CO & Surrounding Cities Like Fruita & Palisade

Our services include rock installation, leaf removal, landscape curbing, and more.

Rock mulch landscape bed with boulders and plants at a home in Clifton, CO.

Your lawn and landscape require tender love and care to look their best. At Mesa Turf Masters, we can give your property exactly what it needs to achieve peak appearance through our lawn and landscape maintenance services. We offer our professional services to property owners in Grand Junction, CO, and surrounding cities like Fruita and Palisade. Our service offerings include rock installation, leaf removal, landscape curbing, and more to keep your property in top condition all year long. Call us today at (970) 434-5440 to sign up!

  • Landscape Installation

    If you want to upgrade your landscape, look no further than our landscape installation service. We specialize in renovating existing landscape beds to boost their appearance and improve your property's curb appeal. Our team can install a fresh layer of rocks, beautiful curbing, and desert-friendly plants like yucca or greasewood to make your landscape beds stand out from the rest.

    We are members of the National Association of Landscape Professionals as well as the Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado.

    View Plantings & Softscapes

  • Rock Installation

    Do you want to add rocks to your landscape beds or maybe even use them to replace your grass? If so, we have you covered. We offer our rock installation service to property owners throughout the Grand Junction, CO, area. Our team can install a broad variety of rocks that come in all different sizes and colors, so you can choose the type that complements your property the best.

    View Rock Installation

  • Rock Weed Control

    Our rock weed control service is designed to keep weeds from growing between the rocks on your property. We will utilize pre-emergent treatments to help prevent weeds from sprouting in the first place and post-emergent treatments to eliminate existing weeds. We’ll even treat your driveway and sidewalk cracks to take care of weeds in those areas too!

    View Rock Weed Control

  • Leaf Removal

    You shouldn't let leaves pile up on your property. As they accumulate, they can attract diseases and insects while restricting your lawn's access to oxygen and other vital resources. But instead of raking leaves yourself, you can take advantage of our leaf removal service. We offer this service in the fall and will clear all the leaves from your lawn and landscape beds. Then, we will haul them away so you don't have to worry about them.

    We have been providing our professional lawn and landscape maintenance services since 1992!

  • Yard Cleanup

    If your yard has become messy and overgrown, then we can get it back on track with our yard cleanup service. This service is offered throughout the year and is commonly booked in the spring, early summer, late summer, and mid-fall. You can select the services that our team performs during your yard cleanup; we can trim your plants, blow debris from landscape beds, and mow your lawn, among other options.

    View Yard Cleanup

  • Landscape Curbing

    Do you want to take the curbing around your landscape beds to a whole new level? If so, we can help. Leave the plastic or metal curbing in the past and let us install decorative concrete curbing that is sturdy and stunning. This curbing will serve as a clear divider between your landscape beds and the surrounding area while bolstering your property's overall appearance.

    View Landscape Curbing

Call today to sign up for our lawn and landscape maintenance services!

Rock mulch bed with large rocks and plantings near Fruita, CO.

Are you in the market for professional lawn and landscape maintenance services? If so, you've come to the right place. At Mesa Turf Masters, we offer our lawn and landscape maintenance services to property owners in Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, and nearby areas in Colorado. Whether you need us to renovate your landscape beds, install rock, or clean up your yard, we have you covered. Call us today at (970) 434-5440 to sign up for any of our lawn and landscape maintenance services!