When the fall season arrives here in Colorado, it's an indication that the growing season is about to end, and you'll want to start preparing your plants before winter sets in. That's where fertilizer treatments come in! Fertilizing your plants in the fall will provide them with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to bolster their overall health and ensure they have enough to feed off of while they are dormant. You'll also want to apply dormant oil to target egg-laying insects that can wreak havoc on your trees and shrubs. Additionally, you'll want to plan to fertilize them again in the spring to help them emerge from winter dormancy in great shape for the new growing season.

What can fall fertilizer do for your plants?

Fertilizing your plants in the fall is beneficial because it can help them recover from the stressful summer season and prepare for the winter. Fertilizers contain vital nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that encourage lush, green foliage, robust root growth, and fortified resilience against stressors. Providing your plants with these nutrients will help them recuperate from any summer-related stress, allowing them to be in their best health before they transition into dormancy.

What's more, fertilizing your plants in the fall is a great way to ensure their survival in the winter. After all, they can store and use the nourishment they receive while dormant, giving them the best chance to make it through the winter and emerge in the spring in optimum shape.

Make sure to also apply dormant oil to your plants in the fall to target egg-laying insects.

Aside from fertilizing your plants before winter, you'll also want to apply a dormant oil in the fall. Dormant oil is a great way to protect your plants from egg-laying insects that might be overwintering on them, as it suffocates them and keeps eggs from hatching. This treatment is applied to the trunk, branches, and undersides of leaves to effectively target any pests. Applying dormant oil is a proactive way to keep your plants safe from any damage caused by invasive insects so you don't have to deal with an infestation come springtime.

Plan to fertilize your plants again in the spring to help them emerge from winter dormancy.

Once the winter season ends, it's time to get your plants ready for the new growing season. Because of this, you'll want to plan to apply another fertilizer treatment in the spring to give them a much-needed boost as they emerge from dormancy, helping them bounce back quicker! It will also provide your plants with the nutrients they need to bolster strong, healthy growth and their resistance to stressors, plus prepare for the impending hot summer months, which can take a toll on them otherwise.

Make sure to hire professionals to care for and fertilize your plants, as they use highly effective treatments and know when to apply them to yield the best results.

Call us today to sign up for our tree and shrub fertilization service!

Here at Mesa Turf Masters, we offer a tree and shrub fertilization service to property owners in Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, CO, and nearby areas. When you sign up for this service, we will fertilize your plants in the spring and fall to ensure they receive vital nutrients when they need them the most! Our team also applies these liquid treatments around their base and drip lines to nourish the roots underneath. Since 1992, our experts have been strengthening trees and shrubs with our reliable fertilizer treatments. Give us a call today at (970) 434-5440 to sign up for our tree and shrub fertilization service.